ChangeMakers Hawai'i

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Thinking Out Loud

Soooo today, you will be joining me on a journey in my head as I contemplate a new approach to community facility development. The "gotta haves" and the "nice to haves" when thinking about the function of facility financing. It is something I have been pondering as I work on developing the ChangeBuilder program.

Let me provide you some context. The ChangeBuilder program is an interdisciplinary team focused on community facility planning, financing, construction, and maintenance. Our goal is to make community facility development streamline, efficient and cost-effective. ChangeMakers is organizing Team ChangeBuilders that brings together architects, engineers, fund development professionals, and others. The situation I have been trying to work on is the function of a fund developer.

The "gotta haves."

ChangeBuilder "gotta have" the ability to plan and implement a successful fundraising capital campaign and investigate and understand the various financial mechanisms available to help with funding. These mechanisms can include Federal, State, or Local designated investments zones such as the Federal government's Opportunity Zones, new market tax credits, use of State and County lands. Understanding facility financing and the application requirements and best banking partners with the lowest interest rates.

The "nice-to-haves"

ChangeBuilder would create two distinct positions: one position for the traditional fund development officer to run a capital campaign and the other for facility financing coordinator, that has access and can match the appropriate funding mechanisms or tools to the particular project and community organization.

In a broad sense, ChangeMakers has defined the structure and essential functions, but now need to contemplate the basic skills sets. These skills include strong writing and verbal communication skills, passion for community work, being highly organized, and seeing the big and small picture. Familiarity with finance, construction loans would also be outstanding. In the beginning, this may be one position, but we will pull the position apart and have someone for both functions moving forward in the future.

In the past, ChangeMakers believed in growing the capacity from within the community. ChangeMakers would have hired a professional consultant to work with a community member to develop their ability. However, ChangeMakers wants to hit the ground changing communities, so have decided to hire professionals to fill a position this time.

Thank you for joining me on a journey through my thought process related to ChangeBuilders providing the vital resource of facilities funding. If you have any insights, please email us at