ChangeMakers Hawai'i

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KanakaMob Data Walk

  KanakaMob Data Walk:  

The Dance of Collective Impact and Shared Success

Fellow data nerds, to the wild and wonderful world of data walks in collective impact initiatives! If you thought data analysis was all about crunching numbers in solitude, think again.

Data walks bring data to life, transforming it into a vibrant parade where stakeholders strut their stuff together.

So, grab your walking shoes and let's embark on an exciting journey into the importance and purpose of conducting a data walk in collective impact.

To view the data presented at the first data walk, click here to scroll down to the bottom and select the data section that you're interested in.


Picture this: a bustling street filled with stakeholders from various sectors, armed with spreadsheets and charts, marching forward in unison.

A data walk is not your average stroll; it's a synchronized dance of data interpretation. By examining data collectively, we unlock hidden patterns and insights that we might have missed while flying solo.


In the world of collective impact, we're all about teamwork and collaboration. A data walk is like a group therapy session for data. By collectively analyzing the numbers, we build a shared understanding of the issue at hand. It's like the "aha" moment when everyone realizes they're on the same page - a harmonious chorus of "Hallelujah".


Data walks aren't just about admiring the scenery; they're about spotting the potholes in the road. By scrutinizing the data together, we identify both the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead. It's like having a treasure map, but with a few X's marking potential pitfalls. Armed with this knowledge, we can navigate the collective impact landscape with greater precision.


Who said data analysis had to be a solitary confinement experiment? In a data walk, we bring stakeholders from different backgrounds together, mixing and matching perspectives like a social experiment gone right. This collaborative environment fosters trust, dialogue, and innovation. It's like a data-driven party where everyone is invited to dance to the beat of collective impact.


A data walk isn't a one-time sprint; it's a marathon. We use it to track progress and evaluate the impact of our collective impact efforts. It's like having a Fitbit for social change, constantly monitoring our steps and adjusting our strategy to ensure we're headed in the right direction. Who said making a difference couldn't be a data-driven workout?


When it comes to collective impact, data walks are the ultimate parade of progress. So, let's kick off those dusty old spreadsheets, put on our dancing shoes, and march forward together. With data walks, we'll turn numbers into a captivating performance, bringing about positive change and leaving a lasting impact. Get ready to sashay your way to a brighter future, one data step at a time!

See this content in the original post

Below are the four areas of data that we’ll review; business data, economic overview, agriculture sector and population data.
Please explore each data segment and provide your insights and observations.

See this gallery in the original post