
  ʻī-ˈnä-p(r)ə-ˈnər   [noun]  

Developing and supporting enterprises that value culture, environment, language and financial sustainability.

ʻĀinaprenuer Business & Workforce Development supports economic growth and job creation while

honoring people, communities, environment, Hawaiian culture, language, and values.

Learn About
ʻĀinaprenuer Rural
Small Business

ChangeMakers Hawaiʻi ʻĀinapreneur program is a 12-week, small business, hybrid training that starts with a two-day, in-person intensive cohort followed by weekly online course work.

What to expect

•One-on-One Coaching – sessions are conducted to support participants. Topics include servant/leadership characteristics and impactful followership.

•Build Business Soft Skills – learn more about effective communication, problem-solving, critical thinking and other skills that are essential in a business or professional setting.

Develop Business Foundation Documents – each participant will develop a business plan, set up fiscal processes and create human resource and payroll processes (if applicable).

Enroll  today!

ʻĀinaprenuers build a business culture that is focused on collective success before individual success. Our program graduates are a part of the communities their customers represent and create products and services that provide positive impact to humans and the environment.

ChangeMakers will partner with you to secure funding, assisting with loan packages, capital campaigns, and building your fundraising capacity.

Want to grow your business,   

      but lack funding? 

Find out how ChangeMakers Hawaiʻi’s Native CDFI can help you!

We provide low-interest microloans to businesses to assist with growth.

These microloans range between $500 and $5,000.

ChangeMakers ʻĀinapreneur program also helps small business owners, social enterprises and entrepreneurs access financial tools to grow business facilities, such as food processing and distribution centers, rural community electric vehicle charging stations, and solar energy generating roadway barriers.
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